The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis

a drink to treat prostatitis

Only men have a prostate, located in a small pelvis below the bladder.

Inflammation of the prostate is a fairly common disease that is encountered by many middle-aged and older men.

The causes of prostatitis can be infectious or non-infectious. The second reason - congestion in the small pelvis, is more common.

Prostatitis is a very insidious disease that can lead to various negative consequences. Therefore, its treatment is imperative. This can be done by traditional methods with the use of medications.

But no less effective is the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies.

Causes of prostatitis

The reasons may be different:

  • sedentary work;
  • tobacco and alcohol abuse; hypodynamics;
  • tight underwear; regular termination of relations;
  • long sexual abstinence;
  • chronic stress; physical overload;
  • reduced immunity;
  • frequent constipation; hypothermia;
  • malnutrition;
  • allergy; trauma;
  • prolonged urinary retention.

Treatment of prostatitis with propolis

How to prepare a tincture of propolis at home?

There is already a ready-made tincture of propolis, but it can be prepared at home, and in terms of effectiveness it will not be inferior in any way compared to pharmacies. To prepare an alcoholic tincture of propolis, you need medical alcohol and propolis itself.

  • Grind 100 grams of propolis;
  • Pour 95% medical alcohol, 200 grams;
  • Place in a glass jar and mix well;
  • Insist 2 weeks in the dark and in the cold;
  • Shake the tincture every three days;
  • Strain and squeeze the mixture;
  • Dilute with water in the following ratio: 1 gram of tincture per 4 pounds of weight.

Propolis tincture should be taken 3 hours before bedtime, 1 tablespoon, the course of treatment is six months.

The wax that remains after the preparation of the tincture can be used for candles, they are also very effective in combating this disease. To visualize the process of making propolis tincture - watch this video:

Suppositories with propolis for prostatitis - a recipe

Propolis suppositories for prostatitis are quite easy to produce, you just need to add animal fat:

  • Add medical alcohol, 1: 1, to the wax left over from the tincture;
  • The mixture was evaporated in a water bath until a thick dark mass formed;
  • Mix the mixture and dissolved animal fat in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • Cool the condensed mass a little and make candles. They are injected into the anus at night.

Treatment with candles with propolis takes place in parallel with the application of tincture. After their combined application, the analysis of urine and secretion noticeably improves, the sensations of pain are reduced. You can also treat prostatitis with pure propolis - take 5 grams 3 times a day. You just have to chew it well. Usually the course of treatment lasts two to three months, and then the course is repeated.

An effective recipe for homeopathy for prostatitis with thuja

  • Grind three tablespoons of thuja needles and pour 200 ml. Alcohol of 70 degrees (with vodka, the efficiency is lower! ) Or menstruation, which has a strength like alcohol.
  • Leave to cook for two weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally.
  • Strain and drink 30 drops in a glass of water twice a day, 30 minutes after a meal.

The duration of treatment is from 7 to 10 days. After a break of 7 days, the course can be continued (if necessary). The same tincture is used to treat lupus erythematosus: lubricate the affected areas two to three times a day until complete recovery.

Thuja volatile phytoncides are capable of killing the causes of many viral, bacterial and fungal diseases. In addition, this plant is able to fight inflammation of various organs, promotes wound healing, soothes pain and resists the appearance of malignant tumors.

Turpentine baths for prostatitis

When bathing with turpentine, the effect of essential medicines is enhanced by improving delivery directly to the affected area. In chronic prostatitis, the inflammation is quickly alleviated, and due to the improvement of microcirculation, prostate function is normalized. Manifestations of chronic prostatitis and its complications are offset by 10-12 procedures. Good bath efficacy has been proven for male infertility and impotence. Restoration of capillary patency contributes to the filling of the blood of the cavernous bodies of the penis, the restoration of erections.

Treatment of prostatitis with stone oil

stone oil for the treatment of prostatitis

This drug can be used for prophylaxis and for health purposes at any stage of the course of the disease. Stone oil cures acute and chronic advanced prostatitis. It is very often used to treat male infertility, cancer and other dangerous diseases.

The oil is diluted in warm boiled water, at a rate of 0, 5 teaspoons per 3 liters. Treatment should be started with a small gradual increase in dose. The first doses should be equal to a dose equal to half a teaspoon once a day. It is recommended to drink the prepared liquid after meals. The patient should carefully monitor the effect of the drug on the body and the possible manifestation of allergies. In case of good oil tolerance, the dose should be increased and increased to 3 tablespoons within one week. l. Admission should continue for 1 month. Then take a break of 14 days and repeat the course again.

Within a month after consuming the stone oil, the condition of the prostate improves, the inflammatory process subsides and the tissues regenerate. Painful feelings disappear, urination becomes stable. Improvements are also noticed in the part of the reproductive system.

Prostate massager

An invasive massager is a device that massages the prostate when inserted directly into the rectum. The most popular representatives of this category for the treatment of prostatitis are special devices. Their effect on the gland has three effects:

  • Thermal impact. Thanks to this, the blood circulation in the affected organ is improved, all current processes are accelerated, which ensures an increase in the effect of antibiotic therapy, and the body's ability to fight pathological microorganisms is increased.
  • Vibration effect. Under the influence of this effect there is a stimulation and restoration of normal tone of the muscular elements of the prostate and pelvic floor, which contributes to the release of stagnant secretions accumulated during prostatitis.
  • Exposure to magnetic field. Under its influence, inflammation in the gland is reduced, its size is reduced due to the reduction of edema, which helps to eliminate pain during urination, and the regeneration of the gland is accelerated.

All these effects make the massager necessary for the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Erectile dysfunction.
  2. Chronic prostatitis.
  3. Urethroprostatitis.
  4. Prostate adenomas.
  5. Prostate vesiculitis.

Like all other methods of treatment, this one has its limitations:

  • Acute prostatitis.
  • Malignant neoplasms of the prostate and rectum.
  • Chronic prostatitis in the acute phase.
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the rectum.
  • Tuberculous lesion of the prostate or suspected.
  • Prostate stones.

Alternative treatment of prostatitis with pumpkin seeds and honey

Peel a pound of raw pumpkin seeds and chop them and mix with 200 g of honey. Make hazelnut-sized balls from the resulting mass. Store them in the refrigerator, but warm them to room temperature before use. Take them 1 piece half an hour before meals once or twice a day. The ball should be chewed and vacuumed for a few minutes. This drug gives a fairly strong therapeutic effect, and usually one course per year is sufficient.